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The Department of Nuclear Reactors has a broad experience of projects in the field of reactor and experimental neutron physics, fuel cycle, thermomechanics and reactor dynamics, safety control systems and activation analysis, these projects being supported by, for example, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Czech science foundation.

The scientific interests of the Department cover the fields of theoretical and experimental reactor physics, core thermohydraulics and nuclear fuel thermomechanics, fuel cycle analysis or the study of new reactor systems. Research on the Reactor is limited by its low power. Therefore, it is focused on the preparation and improvement of experimental methods, comparison of calculated results of various reactor parameters with experimental results, study of dynamic properties of multiplicative systems, development of control and detection systems, detector calibration or neutron activation analysis.

In cooperation with the National Radiation Protection Institute a new generation device MONTE-1 was developed for advanced testing of detection instruments used by monitoring and intervening staff in case of nuclear accidents, and for testing of detectors for timely safety provision in the radiation field which corresponds to the mixed radiation field of radionuclides from partially spent nuclear fuel. This device can potentially be used in radiation protection and emergency preparedness.

In the field of research the Department cooperates with other Czech technical universities, (e.g. Brno University of Technology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague or VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava), with a number of governmental and research institutions (Research Centre Rez plc., Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, The Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Radioactive Waste Repository Authority or National Radiation Protection Institute), and with industrial partners (ČEZ, a.s., ŠKODA JS, a.s., ÚJV Řež, a.s., DataPartner, s.r.o., VF, a.s. Černá Hora, CHEMCOMEX Praha, a.s., VÚK Panenské Břežany a.s., LYNAX, Praha, s.r.o, ÚJP Praha, a.s., Tema s.r.o. and ZAT, a.s.).