The education is aimed mainly at university students. Most experimental tasks can be carried out at 3 levels according to students´ knowledge: demonstration, standard, and advanced. The demonstration level offers basic understanding of physical phenomena where students take the role of passive observers. At a standard level students take an active part in experiments and evaluate the results they have measured by themselves. At the advanced level they study the topics in depth, gain considerable theoretical knowledge and take an active part in experiment preparation, during the experiment and at evaluation and interpretation of results. Often different approaches are used or differing conditions for the study of the same problem are applied. For all standardized experimental tasks teaching materials such as lecture notes, method sheets and protocols for measured values are available. At present more than 25 experimental tasks are prepared in the field of reactor and neutron physics, dosimetry, nuclear safety and nuclear facility control systems.
Standard experiments can be expanded or modified according to requirements. A typical experiment for students of environmental protection would be bio-monitoring and the identification of fission products in the environment. Depending on study programmes of the universities, courses are taught according to a weekly timetable or in sessions. The duration of a session is, on agreement, one to five days. Courses are tailormade according to the requirements of teachers from respective universities.
In the education field the reactor cooperates on a long term basis with the Slovakian Technical University (Slovakia) and with the Aachen University of Technology (Germany). Recent and future users should be mentioned too: KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Defence Academy of the UK, University of Manchester (UK), University of Tennessee Knoxville (USA), Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA) and Aalto University Helsinky (Finland).